Today I’m adding another size to the family of Go EveryWear Pouches, I present the Mini. At 9″x 4″x 2″ it is the perfect size for your essentials, like: Grab the pattern here
- 2 epi-pens, inhaler, card wallet, and phone.
- iPhone 7 plus with its case on, my hard eye glass case, chap stick, small wallet.
- A snack bar, wallet, zip lock of wipes, chapstick, 1 disposable diaper, cellphone, car keys.
- Two Auvi-q injectors (like epipen), a bottle of Benadryl, bandaids, and an inhaler.
- disposable diaper, diaper cream, cell phone, and keys
- phone, clip on sunglasses, keys, fruit snacks, applesauce pouch
- Phone, Ipod, inhaler, sunglasses and I had room to spare.
- size 6 diaper some wipes, keys and credit card
- leash and poop bags.
- 6 or 7 spools of thread, needle case and small scissors
- Nintendo Switch
- Tampons and back-up panty liners.
- Cloth menstrual pads, and Cup wipes
- P-style (female stand-up pee device) and toilet paper
Just like the other sizes, it can be made with a zipper or flap top, and it has snap loops on the back that allow it to attach to the waistband of your babycarrier, belt, stroller, shopping cart or bike. I hear it even works great on walkers. Add a wrist strap and you have a cute wristlet instead. Just slide D rings onto the back straps to attach purse, stroller, backpack style straps. So it can “Go EveryWear” with you.
Do you like to carry a bit more with you? Upgrade to the Medium “babywearing” size or Large “stroller” size . All 3 sizes here: Bundle